The Topics that I Choose.

The choice of the topics I speak about is determined by my background. If you have landed on this page, you probably know that I come from Latvia. Sadly, I still meet many Americans who have never heard about my birth country. That’s because it is very small and it used to be occupied.

I’ve also had traumatic events in my personal life, such as domestic abuse and divorces. It affected my health, my memory as my defense mechanism and my life perspective. I had to put conscious effort into understanding what had actually happened and managing my thinking around that.


Yet, in the hindsight, I am grateful for all my experiences. They have shaped me like a diamond.

The memories of what happened make good topics for my public speeches now. It took a long way though to get to the point where I am able to talk and even joke about some of those things. That way, I feel I can inspire others to not stay in the victim stage, but grow beyond that.

I may sound cliche, but I do want to share my experiences in a way that teaches others how to look at things. Be resilient and create change. Start with yourself.

To see fragments of my speeches, please visit my page My Speeches.


Ilze Be is an intuitive artist and storyteller. She creates intuitive paintings and works with individuals and groups co-creating abstract art and transformationally spiritual experiences. She also organizes events where people come together to share home-cooked food, stories and meaningful conversations. Sometimes, such events are recorded and turned into legacy videos for future generations.

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